Developed by YenGames, Legionwood: Tale of the Two Sword is a free-to-play RPG set in a magical fantasy world. The story is filled with romance, revenge, war, and peace, and features more than 30 hours of traditional RPG gaming. Despite its simplicity, Legionwood can be a challenging and rewarding experience, especially for the casual RPG fan.
The game is available on the Steam store and is a fantastic retro-style fantasy epic-length traditional RPG. It was developed using RPG Maker VX and was released in late 2010. The game is set in the realm of Legionwood, a medieval-style world where the fate of the whole world rests in the hands of a mysterious opponent. Once the game has been installed on your computer, run it from the installation disk or from the downloaded file. You should be able to find and uninstall the game without too much trouble.
This MMORPG has over 20 hours of gameplay and is highly recommended for fans of RPGs. Its unique ability point system lets you customize your character to your liking and choose which bonuses you want in level ups. This gives players a great deal of flexibility and control over their characters. In addition to this, the game is free to download and uses a Freeware license, so there's no reason not to give it a try.